iPhone and iPad shaped souvenirs
iPhone and iPad shaped souvenirs
Найдено компромиссное решение – функциональная начинка в удобной и компактной форме.
Более компактную и изящную бритву даже представить трудно.
Набор оригинальных, символизирующих наиболее распространенные иконки для iPhone.
IPhone shaped pillow
Do you want to surprise your friend, child or other close people by presenting original, bright present? If yes, then IPhone shaped pillow is a great choice.
We would like to offer you IPhone style notebook, a creative item, which copy the world-famous mobile device in its appearance and size.
This calculator looks like iPhone that of course amuse the gadget’s lovers.
Mini conditioner
IPhone shaped mini conditioner is unique useful gift especially for a summer hot weather.
Mini scales
This item is not only light, accurate but also stylish, their look is a copy of world the most popular device and such an appearance really suits them.